Pronounced 'SEA-BASS'

oh yeah this site might not look too good on mobile due to my dogshit programming skills. sorry!



What is this place? Who am I? What do I do? How did I get into your house? All of these questions will be answered in due time, except for maybe that last one. You really have to invest in better locks, the Master ones are cheap garbage.

Who exactly is this guy?


Hi! I'm honestly kind of shocked you even found this page, but thanks for taking the time to have a look.

> My name is Sebastian, I'm a 17 year old thing living in southeast Michigan. I don't want to get any more specific than that for privacy reasons; I'm sure you understand :)

This is actually what I look likeok, maybe not but it's funnier if you think I'm a fish

My interests are fairly diverse, but they usually fall under these categories:

I'm usually always up to something, like building or repairing my (NOT)sub-250 gang fr expansive fleet of RC planes, fishing, or other stuff. This page (and others linked to it) will serve as a sort of record of these. "Oh, but Seabass," I hear you ask, "why on earth are you using neocities and not instant gram or twatter (or X or whatever the hell it's called) like a normal person?" The answer is because I don't want to. Neocites is so much cooler because it takes a lot more effort to not just make a site but to make it look good as well. If you can't already tell, I'm quite terrible at this, but I am learning. That being said, I do have an instagram and twitter account, but they are mainly used to follow artists I like and whatnot. I'll have a few links and things farther down if you want.

What's River Dynamics?

Oh man, that's a good question. I can't believe you asked that. Very perceptive of you.

River Dynamics is a transnational multi-billion dollar aerospace/defense firm based in Anchorage, Alaska. They primarily produce airliners, large transport aircraft, bizjets, and various military aircraft alongside a series of launch vehicles, probes, satellites, ████████████████did you really think I'd tell you what that blacked out text says?, and other spacecraft. Sort of. Technically speaking, River Dynamics doesn't exist, it's a little project I'm working on (think Starlight Aerosystems but not as.... intense) with a few other people who own separate 'firms'. It's far from finished but we do have a rudimentary website set up on google sites for right now. I'll definitely be posting stuff about them in the future here, so look out.

Link to official RD site


MilitaristicKiwi, owner of Borealis Aerospace
HotSteppa97, owner of Vanguard Aero. Systems
DST, owner of Advanced Aircraft Technology Corp.

Model Aviation Page

Handy Links