Hi, welcome to my crap webpage
Honestly, I'm kind of shocked you even found this. But thanks for sticking around.
So, what is this place? Who am I? What do I do? How did I get into your house? All of these questions will be answered in due time, except for maybe that last one. You really have to invest in better locks, the Master ones are cheap garbage.
My name is Sebastian, I'm a 17 year old thing living in southeast Michigan. I don't want to get any more specific than that for privacy reasons; I'm sure you understand :)
As for what I do, it's kind of a lot. My interests are fairly diverse but most of them can be narrowed down into a few simple categories:
- AEROSPACE - if it flies, I probably know something about it
- ICHTHYOLOGY - more or less. I just fish a lot and learn a thing or two
- ENTOMOLOGY - bugs are cool lol
- HORROR - it's fun to get scared
I also do a lot of what could be described as graphic art, and other visual stuff that I'll post here (or rather, under the appropriate link).